Wednesday, July 23, 2008

NVelocity Parse

A little thing that drove me completely insane

when using parse (appache ref) the path to the view includes the folder that you are in

say you are in the folder .../views/Blog
editing a view called one.vm
if you want to parse something in the same folder as one.vm you have to use

and if you happen to use a / before blog you ll get a nice exception that has a very unclear message

Just to note

NVelocity - creating urls

I always forget these two:

$Url.Link('label', "%{controller='controllerName',action='actionName'}")

and this:

To Create a form

$Form.FormTag("%{id= 'formId', action='save', immediate = 'true'}")

I really wished there was a MR RC4 :D

Transparency Fix for PNG on IE

Saw this on ajaxian and i think is really handy and at some (not too far in time i ll need this) basically to add some transparency you just add a few files to your sever and a line of css and thats it.
Will tell when the time to use this comes :)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Small but interesting find

Yesterday I was coding and I needed to create a criteria like

Repository.FinOne(Restriccions.Eq("Email", email));

however I wanted to make sure that there was not prblems with caseing
it turns out IgnoreCase exists and can be used this way :D

Repository.FinOne(Restriccions.Eq("Email", email).IgnoreCase());

I was really happy to find this, thanks NHibernate in Action!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Speed is all

PDF Readers

I m thinking about a serious of "meaty" post for this weeked or at least the one decent one, but meanwhile I though I should post about the incredible diference in speed between Adobe Reader and Foxit. A friend of mine (one of the two suscribers to this blog) told me about foxit like a year ago, i went yeah yeah but then about two weeks ago i actually download it and it is really fast, i love it.

FF2 vs FF3
OMG i m so happy with FF3 I m still testing it in only one of my machines but so far much better performance and now that firebug is behaving, happy days. The Add ons I have are: Firebug with YSlow, Jiffy, Web Developer, and of course Google Toolbar. The best feature is no memory problems :D

Now tempted to install the Beta 2 of IE8....