Since my last post I ve been trying to avoid writting about trivial small things however meaty post take time and I just dont have it right now.
Questions in my head now
- when do you create a service?
- where can I find an example of a well designed GWT app?
Events that Im interested in
GGD 4th of December in La Taverna di Baco in the Quays (in dublin)
IJTC its the 7th of January in UGC, some good speakers but it feels like thi IcTC conferences are a bit desorganized
FOWA Dublin - March 6th. I want to go but dont know really why
Edit: missign OSSBarcamp Dublin - 28th March 2009 this is one I want to go to as well :)
Cool Things
- I ve been using Pencil ( a pluggin for firefox) and its pretty cool because its easy to use, lightweight, free. Great for putting screens togheter quickly
Umah you need to add OSSBarcamp to the list
I did want to go to FOWA but I'm off to Belfast that night so wouldn't be able to booze it up with everyone anyways. I'm so about networking and discussions.
true. Added OSSBarcamp I knew i was forgetting something :)
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